Blog Post

Apr 4, 2016

North Carolina Courts Are Forbidden To “Blue Pencil” An Unenforceable Non-Compete

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Reversing a 2-1 decision of the North Carolina Court of Appeals, the state’s Supreme Court held unanimously that an assets purchase-and-sale contract containing an unreasonable territorial non-competition restriction is unenforceable.  Further, a court in that state must strike, and may not modify, the unreasonable provision. Beverage Systems of the Carolinas, LLC v. Associated Beverage Repair, LLC, No. 316A14 (N.C. Sup. Court, Mar. 18, 2016).  The Court of Appeals’ decision, now reversed, is published at 762 S.E.2d 316 (2014) and was the subject of a Trading Secrets blog dated August 27, 2014.

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