Media Mentions

Jan 15, 2009

Daniel Newland Quoted in The Recorder
“End of ‘08 Brought Bonus for Some”

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Daniel Newland was quoted in the article, “End of ‘08 Brought Bonus for Some,” which appeared in the January 15, 2009 issue of The Recorder. The article reported on the surge in employment work across the Bay Area. Dan observed that compared to the last downturn, clients are seeking advice on more than trimming the fat, they are cutting into meat. He described one of his client’s circumstances where the workers by the workforce reduction were quality employees or "keepers" that had been well-regarded and some even recently promoted, but the company couldn’t afford them anymore. Contrasting the current economic difficulties with the effects of the last recession in the Bay Area, Dan remarked, "I helped some dot-coms go from peak to zero…. Here we're dealing with established, long-term companies and people who have had careers at these places.” He concluded, “I'm not getting any sense from owners of businesses that 2009 is going to be better than 2008, or that this is going to be a temporary seasonal change.”