Media Mentions

Oct 22, 2007

Gina Ferrari Quoted in California Executive

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"10 Surefire Ways to Win in Small Claims Court"

Gina Ferrari was quoted in the article, “10 Surefire Ways to Win in Small Claims Court,” published on October 16, 2007 by California Executive. The article offers 10 guidelines to help California businesses facing small claims disputes.

Gina suggests that the opposing parties first try to resolve their issue outside of court. She notes that oftentimes cases make their way into small claims court because of heightened emotions and that a judge’s decision won’t necessarily resolve the real issue. Gina says, “Sometimes it’s just an apology that can make things better... Always keep in mind the intangible aspects,” such as a judgment against a business will become part of a public record and could hamper any desire for the two parties to do business together in the future.

She goes on to note that in court, it’s important to dress like “an upstanding member of society,” so one should look respectable before the court. Gina also suggests that, “Even if you don’t think somebody is going to bring litigation over, for example, a security deposit, take pictures anyway. Unfortunately, you should really paper everything in case there is litigation.”

Another insight Gina offers is that, “You would be surprised about how many people the judge will allow to speak,” so litigants should bring in as many witnesses to their dispute as possible. When it’s a witness’s turn to speak—or anyone else’s other than your own—however, Gina cautions against speaking over a judge or an opposing party.