Attorney Publication

Jun 7, 2007

Karla Grossenbacher Published in Employment Law Strategist
"Rethinking Mandatory Arbitration of Employment Disputes"

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The June 2007 issue of Employment Law Strategist includes the article, “Rethinking Mandatory Arbitration of Employment Disputes,” by Karla Grossenbacher. In her article, Karla explains why employers longing for the days prior to the 1991 amendments to Title VII, which opened the door to jury trials for alleged violations, would be well served to stop using mandatory arbitration agreements. The more effective option, Karla asserts, is for employers to have their employees execute waivers of their right to jury trials. It is juries that employers generally fear, Karla shows, not the courts themselves. Karla’s article demonstrates that there is no reason for employers to choose to require their employees to agree to the wholesale replacement of court litigation with mandatory arbitration.