Media Mentions

May 2, 2012

Loren Gesinsky Quoted in the New York Law Journal
"Develop the 'Write' Stuff"

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Seyfarth Shaw New York partner Loren Gesinsky was quoted in an article published in the New York Law Journal on April 23. The article discussed best practices for young lawyers, focusing on the fundamentals and improving one's writing skills.

When it comes to legal writing, the author notes that it is "a distinct skill that must be taught, practiced and reinforced." Developing these skills has a direct impact on a lawyer's professional growth and development.

According to Loren, there are two macro trends that have elevated the importance of solid legal writing: writing is shorter and more purposeful than it used to be, and there is substantially more writing, in different formats, that require to one to be adaptable and able to communicate comprehensive legal concepts in simple, concise terms.

He points out that the less revising and editing an associate's assigning attorney has to do on a particular document, the more efficient the delivery of legal services and value is brought to the client.