
May 24, 2022

Policy Matters Podcast - Episode 26: Feeling the Bern: Government Contractors Could Face Blacklisting - Again

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Policy issues often have long term widespread and pervasive impact on businesses. Not only can new governmental policies significantly affect the climate for business innovation and growth, they create precedents that affect future legislation and potentially spread across jurisdictions.Each installment of the Policy Matters Podcast will provide timely updates regarding potential adverse impacts on benefits that policy changes can have on industry growth and offer a preview of what’s next in the competitive marketplace.

Episode 26: Feeling the Bern: Government Contractors Could Face Blacklisting - Again

On this episode of the Policy Matters Podcast, the Scotts, Messrs. Hecker and Mallery, discuss Senator Bernie Sanders efforts to resurrect the idea of preventing employers who have labor law violations from contracting with the federal government. President Obama’s Executive Order 13673 - dubbed the “Blacklisting Order” - and its implementing regulations fell victim to the Congressional Review Act in 2017, so Scott and Scott evaluate whether the Biden Administration could revisit blacklisting and how worried employers should be about the prospect.